Saturday, July 12, 2014

Wiarton to Collingwood July 12/14

It took a little time getting out of Wiarton because a bolt holding Karin's front rack on her bike was missing and luckily the HomeHardware in town had the right size. A little loctite. Synched-er down and we were off and riding. Our ride was a day of quiet backroads with the last 35kms on a rail trail into Collingwood. So nice to be removed from the cars and trucks rushing past you at 100 km/hr.

While stopped at the Kemble Women's Institute Memorial a couple of women pulled up to me to ask about my trip. We got to talking and Lily's husband held or still holds the worlds record for the fastest time over a fifty mile distance on a tricycle in Great Britain during around 1940/41. His wife Lily used to help flag for the event. The man's name was Allen Charles Cochrane. Anybody want to look it up and comment back?

Another interesting moment happened when a young man zoomed by us in an electric chair. What caught my attention he was rocking it pretty good with some music from some good size speakers. Not much time later he was making the return trip on the same path so I caught his attention to ask him about his chair. I found out that the chair will soon be replaced with a new faster model from Europe, (Italian maybe?) and was just itching to get ahold of it. Just make sure you rock it out again, Kyle! (did I get your name right?).

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