Saturday, July 19, 2014

Notre-Dame-De-La-Paix to Mont Tremblant! July 19/14

A very wet, Dewey morning. Could it be the elevation or, heaven forbid, summer is showing signs of moving on. More likely just the humidity that everyone takes pleasure telling us about. We go about our usual morning routine of packing up our gear, boiling water for our quick oats with dried fruit, coffee and tea. I start the stove 100% of the time because it's an old MSR Whisperlite that needs priming (foot high flame for a minute) and Karin's not partial to running around with her hair on fire. For it's age, weight and size it gets the job done efficiently.

Tonight we are staying in Hostelling International-Mont Tremblant. It's dorm style for four of us guys for the next two nights. Karin gets a coed dorm to bunk in. We were lucky to get anything because it's the Iron Man Competition next week and they're all here the week before to practice on the course.

Tomorrow we are hiking to the top of Mont Tremblant to give our legs something different to do and then more coffee drinking and people watching for me when I get back to the bottom. Karin's probably going for a run.

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