Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Mont Tremblant to Montreal! July 21/14

We left Mont Tremblant on the Le Petit Train Du Nord which is a rail trail that is 90kms long and connects with the Route Verte system of bike paths. Well over a 140kms today was used by us to get to Montreal. It's not without it's flaws though. Because of lack of signage to tell you where each path is taking you we became lost a number of times going through Lavel. The other problem was numerous roads with the same name. On the maps we had they neglected to tell you if the name ended in "Est" or "Oest", same name with a French "East" or "West". Very confusing. We left Mont Tremblant 7:30am and arrived at the YWCA 10:30pm making for a very long day. Our kilometer total was going to be 150 but because of wrong turns and I hate to say miss direction from people trying to help our total for the day was 166.

I didn't take many pictures because we were starting to get a little stressed making our way through city sprawl with confusing streets.

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