Sunday, July 27, 2014

Two days off in the Old City of Quebec! July 26th, 27th/14

Day one was beautiful and warm and the tourists like ourselves were out in droves. The cobble stone roads inside of the walls were still wet from the street sweeper trucks spending all night with their vacuums on passing back and forth under our hostel window. I must admit for the number of people walking about it was exceptionally clean. We started out with the self-guided walking tour that quickly went to the wayside when something else would catch our eye and off we would go. Around 3:30pm we met up with my oldest daughter's mother-inlaw, Mary,  who  drove from Vermont to Quebec City to see us. How cool was that! After some walking and talking mixed with sightseeing, Mary invited us for dinner so off we went to a small French restaurant close by and enjoyed Raclette at our table.

Day two we started with a short ride East of the city to see Montmorency Falls, another site where the British and the French shot canon balls at each other. This city was shaped by war between the English and the French. Hilltop placement with multiple walls for canons and high ground advantage. The rest of the day was spent dodging thunder showers walking through the lower city with its shops and cafes.

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