Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Thunder Bay to Dorion.

We stayed in the university dorms lady night on a recommendation from someone we had takes to earlier. Bathrooms down the hall, key for the kitchen at the front desk but most of all no mosquitos. The locals say it's been the worst plague, scourge, invasion they have ever seen in years.

Our next stop is Dorion. A small community of 300 where we have been invited to stay the night with a friend's cousin. As we have been riding across the country, we are invited into the homes of friends and family of the previous people we had stayed with. It definitely has been a great experience meeting all these interesting people.

Since todays ride is a relatively short, Karin and I took a eight kilometer side trip up to Ouimet Canyon. Five kilometers in there is a sign saying extreme grades and RV trailers must be detached and left behind. We left out bags in the bush and started the ascent. Some of the pitches were the steepest I have ridden on my touring bike but made the distance without a problem.

At the canyon we walked the one kilometer viewing trail and found it interesting but won't go back.

We finished riding to Nicole's place and received a warm welcome. We had a great dinner of Lake trout and roasted vegetables finished with cheese cake a friend of Nicole's made.

After dinner I tagged along for a little fishing on the Wolf River but no luck was had that evening and the mosquitos were driving is crazy because we forgot the bug spray. Back to the house and some hot tea and conversation followed by a great sleep.

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