Thursday, July 24, 2014

Montreal to Trois Rivieres! July 24/14

Up early and heading East to Trois Rivieres by 7:30am. Route Verte 5 took us out of the city on bike paths for about 30kms. Far enough where the city traffic had lightened up on highway 138, our "Rue Du Jour". We hugged the St. Laurence all the way to our destination which I'm sure was a factor in keeping the temperature and humidity down on this clear sunny day. Another interesting observation is this day's ride was the flattest I've seen on the whole trip. Even beats out Saskatchewan or at least the route we took through that province. I can see why the 260kms bike ride between Montreal and Quebec is so popular. And the fact that you can eat all you want in Montreal or Quebec City guilt free after completing the distance.

In Quebec it's easy to tell when your coming up to a village because there's always a church spire sticking out above the tree tops easily seen from a long distance away. It was the same way with towns in Saskatchewan. In Saskatchewan it was the grain elevators you could see from a distance.

Lots and lots of Harleys on the road in Quebec and today was no exception. I had drafted the guy on the Harley I parked beside in the picture going through a round-a-bout and surprised him how fast I got a loaded touring bicycle going. 55kms/hr before he dropped me.

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