Saturday, June 21, 2014

Oak Lake to MacGregor, Manitoba!

As I'm writing this in my tent, rain is pelting down, wind is buffeting it's sides and rolling rumbles of thunder are clapping one after the other. I'm dry. I'm warm. I'm safe. I did put extra guide lines out to keep the wind from collapsing the tent just in case.

Let's see now. What happened today. The days are starting to blend together and find myself writing about things that happened days ago as if it was today. I do know todays had another beautiful tailwind which carried us over 140km to the town of MacGregor. When we arrived it was 30°C with something I'm not used to. Humidity. I know this is just a hint off what's to come so there will be no complaining from me. That's about it.

Here are some random thoughts of the day.

One should be careful when wading through the underbrush beside the tent. Half an hour later a mother was reprimanding her daughter for doing the same thing while pointing out the three leaved stem of a poison ivy plant.

I left the the suitcase lid closed on the side of the road.

My butt was feeling better, now it hurts again. Expansion joints! Thump, thump........thump, thump!

The morning picture is the picnic shelter we used in Oak Lake. The other picture was my view for much of the day. It was kind off a hammer fest doing 90km after my lunch break in Brandon, Manitoba to MacGregor so the phone wasn't taken out.

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