Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Gull Lake to Morse, Saskatchewan.

Today's ride of 120k total distance was sunny if not a little on the cool side. Leaving Gull Lake I had all my rain gear on stay warm in the cool morning air that presented itself with yet another headwind. Let it be known, from personal experience, the wind in the Canadian prairies only blows from the East. After a couple of hours it warmed up enough to take my rain clothes off.

In the first picture you can see my tent and bike with a small tarp over the two.I like to have a dry porch area to get in and out of the tent when it rains.

you might be wondering why I took a picture of a bunch of trucks lined up at the campsite. This is what you see at all the campsites we've stayed at in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Mostly young guys in there twenties with new trucks and trailers and a Harley sitting under a tarp.

The other pictures show the landscape is starting to level out. It was definitely cool to come out of Saskatchewan's rolling hills and some are quite long and steep, much to the dismay of Karin who said she was told it was all flat, to see table top terrain spread out before you.

The last picture is of Reed Lake. I tried to take a picture of a pair of Avocets on it's shore line but the phone's camera wasn't up to task. What I did see was dozens of Avocets, Plovers, pelicans and many, many other birds I don't know the names of. Reed Lake Alberta would be worth looking up to see it's importance to migrating bird populations in North America.

And just a side note, my appetite has kicked up ten fold. Karin still eats more than I do though.

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