Monday, June 9, 2014

Nelson to Creston

June 8, 2014

After taking the previous day as a rest day off the bike and to spend time with Brenda, I was back on the bike heading down the North Shore of the West Arm of Kootenay Lake. Boy that's a mouth full.

This BOB, (Big Orange Bridge), who I have crossed many times on training rides.

I never get tired of the scenery along this route to the Ferry at Belfour.

Karin waiting to board.

Docked waiting to load.

Heading East out of the West arm and into the main body of Kootenay Lake. I takes about 35 minutes to cross and is the longest freshwater free ferry ride in North America.

Definately can't miss me in those colors. We are about halfway across at this point.

This is on the East Shore of Kootenay Lake heading South for Creston. Again, very scenic views along the whole stretch.

This is a house and out-building made from mortoring empty embalming        
fluid bottles into the walls.

This turtle got stuck on the highway between the road and the cement barrier. 

I gave it a boost over the barrier out of harms way. Is this a turtle that is native to the area? anyone have an answer for me?

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