Thursday, August 7, 2014

Antigonish to Inverness! Aug 7/14

Luckily we had most of our gear put away before the skies opened up and the deluge continued for the next three hours. I'm a little shy about taking my phone out in wet weather and even more so after it started to act up. It put itself into "Safe mode" which I didn't know a phone could do and when I rebooted it I lost all my personal settings. It had gotten quite wet the day before so I'm sure moisture was the culprit. I would really miss my phone if it died. Everything you do at home on your laptop I do on my phone and then some. It's my camera and my word processor for doing this blog so without it daily entries would end. So do they make a waterproof Samsung Android Tablet with a touch screen that works when wet? I'll line up for one of they have it.

The little house with the million dollar view is for Heather because I know she likes the idea of little houses. The view is the picture after it. Ya, I know my bike is in the way. The coastal pictures were taken from the rail trail called, "Ceilidh Trail" that I followed for about 50kms.

The one of the swing bridge that says, "Cape Breton" at its entrance stayed open for about 45min making traffic back up for kilometers. I had to wait for the impatient drivers to clear too!

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