Saturday, September 14, 2013

First Blog. First entry. First of a lot of things!

In just a little more than nine months I will do the obligatory “Dipping of the wheel” in some source of salty water here on the west coast. Equipment is being purchased, lists are being made and lines are being drawn. 

The question has arisen, "To blog or not to blog".

I've wanted to experience this bicycle tour for the last thirty years and made the decision it’s happening June 1st 2014. I don’t know if I want the experience of spending time note taking, picture cataloging and editing a final product to upload from a laptop I’m lugging across the country.

And what format do I use? Blogger? Wordpress? CGOAB? …….Facebook?!?!?!?

When it comes down to it who am I doing this ride for? I know the short answer is “Myself” but did I not “Armchair” my way across Canada countless times reading the blogs of tourers before me?

I’m leaning towards “KISSM”. Keep It Simple Social Media. A few words and pictures posted from my smartphone whenever a wifi connection becomes available. 

The nod goes to Google's Blogger to keep friends and family up-dated as to the adventures I will be having. I will use an Android smart phone, my Samsung Google Galaxy Nexus, which seamlessly (so far) integrates with Google's Gmail and Blogger. 



  1. nice start to you blog, Ken!..welcome to the world on blogging!!

    1. Thank you Susan and Doug! The trick is to make this all work on my phone. :-/
