Thursday, September 19, 2013

....and lines are drawn!

View the map of the route by using this link:  Google Maps Make sure you scroll down to the bottom of the driving directions to view all of the maps.

 This map of my proposed route is just that, a "Proposed route" which will be subject to change as decisions are made. Some of the route decisions I have made I will keep such as riding along the south shore of Lake Superior through the USA and re-entering Canada at Sault Ste. Marie to avoid the somewhat shoulderless, heavy trafficked Trans Canada Highway along its North shore. The other portion I will be keeping is the route through Newfoundland along its South Shore. This is one of the portions of the trip I'm looking most forward to. I will be ferry hopping between small fishing villages that have no road access and depend on this ferry service for most of their supplies. I would like to see some of these communities before they disappear.

The community of Grey River. The first stop after the ferry leaves Burgeo.

Monday, September 16, 2013

What inspires me to ride?

Recently I was asked, “What inspires me to ride?” my bike. The short answer is “For enjoyment and fitness”. The long answer is a little more complicated. It’s a love of cycling I developed over a lifetime. 

Looking back over the years as a kid growing up in North Coquitlam, my bicycle was transportation and independence. Any friend you wanted to play with was usually a fair distance away and your parents didn't make a habit of driving you wherever you wanted to go so you got on your bike and peddled your butt over there and thought nothing of it.

Then it was commuting to work to save money to buy a house. Back in the late 70’s and early 80’s commuting by bicycle was not a common thing to see or do so most people thought I was a little crazy. Later my commute became more of a way to keep fit for bicycle touring in the late 80’s and 90’s. This again was viewed as a little strange for a mill worker so the ‘Crazy’ label stuck a little longer. Later, most of my co-workers thought I wasn't so crazy after all when adding up the tens of thousands of dollars I saved over a twenty year period.

My commute now is a five minute walk so cycling is for fitness and enjoyment over a means to save money. If you noticed, I reversed the order of “Enjoyment and fitness” to emphasize the fact that a curtain level of fitness can greatly affect ones quality of life and the enjoyment it brings. Thus I ride to help keep chronic illnesses associated with aging at bay and enjoy life with the people I love for as long as I can.

This is the paragraph I wrote in response to the question, “What inspires me to ride?”

I live in Nelson, British Columbia located in the West Kootenays' of this Canadian province. The culture here revolves around remaining active well into your senior years and on any given day, while the roads are clear of snow, you will see cyclists heading out to rack up mileage on their road bikes. The majority of road cyclists you see mid day are retirees. Men and women 60 to 70 years of age riding east from Nelson down the scenic west arm of Kootenay Lake completing various distances before heading back to town. Having a community of retired senior riders reinforces the fact that aging is no reason to hang-up your skinny tired bike. As a road cyclist approaching my mid 50’s, I’m inspired to be one of these cyclists. Twenty years from now I’ll be chugging up a mountain pass on my loaded touring bike or taking a turn at the front of a draft line heading for the bakery 40 km away to enjoy a warm sticky cinnamon bun with a cup of strong black coffee. I find myself looking forward to the next twenty years of cycling.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

First Blog. First entry. First of a lot of things!

In just a little more than nine months I will do the obligatory “Dipping of the wheel” in some source of salty water here on the west coast. Equipment is being purchased, lists are being made and lines are being drawn. 

The question has arisen, "To blog or not to blog".

I've wanted to experience this bicycle tour for the last thirty years and made the decision it’s happening June 1st 2014. I don’t know if I want the experience of spending time note taking, picture cataloging and editing a final product to upload from a laptop I’m lugging across the country.

And what format do I use? Blogger? Wordpress? CGOAB? …….Facebook?!?!?!?

When it comes down to it who am I doing this ride for? I know the short answer is “Myself” but did I not “Armchair” my way across Canada countless times reading the blogs of tourers before me?

I’m leaning towards “KISSM”. Keep It Simple Social Media. A few words and pictures posted from my smartphone whenever a wifi connection becomes available. 

The nod goes to Google's Blogger to keep friends and family up-dated as to the adventures I will be having. I will use an Android smart phone, my Samsung Google Galaxy Nexus, which seamlessly (so far) integrates with Google's Gmail and Blogger.